Real estate brokerage with a VIP feeling in the south of Munich.

Andrea Sindilar

"High-quality real estate has always been my passion. With my work as an estate agent in the premium segment, I have turned this passion into my profession, which I carry out exactly where I myself am rooted and have always been at home: in the beautiful Isar Valley. This is where I am part of, this is where I know my way around - and this enables me to fulfill every real estate wish of my customers and clients reliably and in the shortest possible time."

Real estate brokered
Years of experience in business &
in the regional market
Enthusiastic customers

Local market knowledge,
"Westentasche" brand

Sound know-how in sales &
marketing - always up-to-date

100% commitment &

Excellent performance

Passion finds expression

Tailor-made performance
for optimum results

My motto: You can feel horsepower, but you can't see it. Unless it's in a sporty, sleek design. For my work, this means that I always put together an individually designed performance package for my customers, in which maximum revs and horsepower meet a wonderfully light, relaxed "driving experience" - and a perfect result is always waiting for them across the finish line.

Your added value when selling

Renting at the best price

Dream home made to order

"My best reference in terms of expertise and quality, serious advice and personal service are my satisfied customers."

One word:

Customer testimonials

Exclusively for you:

My Secret Sale

Discover my particularly exclusive secret sale offers or let me advise you as the owner on the advantages of a secret sale and your individual options without obligation.

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